Gerelateerde Artikelen
The Trauma and Mental Health Impacts of Coercive Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Have you heard of coercive control, an under-researched form of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) where the main goal is to degrade, isolate, and deprive a…
Long-term emotional consequences of parental alienation exposure in children of divorced parents: A systematic review
Paloma Miralles, Carmen Godoy & María D. Hidalgo Current Psychology volume 42, pages12055–12069 (2023)Cite this article 12k Accesses 5 Citations 13 Altmetric Metricsdetails Abstract Although the emotional consequences of childhood exposure to…
The Impact of Parental Alienating Behaviours on the Mental Health of Adults Alienated in Childhood
Abstract This study qualitatively investigated the mental health of adults exposed to parental alienating behaviours in childhood. Research suggests that exposure to parental alienating behaviours…
Wetenschappelijk rapport werkelijkheidsvinding
Werkelijkheidsvinding voor rechters bij jeugdbeschermingszaken Recente wetenschappelijke inzichten voor rechters, beleidsmakers en de jeugdbescherming Rapport Mei 2021 Wetenschappelijke feitenverzameling jegens zorg voor jeugd AdoptieZaken & Familierecht …
Summary: Parental Alienation
Parental alienation occurs when a child rejects one parent without good cause, usually under the influence of the other parent. Have your children turned against…
The Battle to Reclaim Mental Health: Vroegsignalering, onderzoek, diagnostiek, risicotaxatie
Kindermishandeling inzichtelijk
Vroegsignalering, onderzoek, diagnostiek, risicotaxatie
Gestructureerde risicotaxatie CARE-NL bij kindermishandeling
The Child Abuse Risk Evaluation Dutch Version (CARE-NL): A retrospective validation study
Ebook ePUB: Child Abuse Risk Evaluation Versie 2 – geschreven door Corine de Ruiter en Martin Hildebrand
Grafische dossieranalyse: een leven in beeld,
Martine F. Delfos
Federatie Medisch Specialisten
Diagnostiek seksueel misbruik bij kinderen
Guidelines for Interviewing Children During Child Custody Evaluations,
Martine B. Powell and Sandra Lancaster
Reliability and validity of the four-factor model of parental alienation
Amy J. L. Baker
Hostage: Identifying Brainwashed Children, Presenting a Case, and Crafting Solutions, Second Edition
By Stanley S Clawar and Brynne V Rivlin
The Battle to Reclaim Mental Health
Dr Craig Childress
Stanley S Clawar
Parent-Child Reunification: A Guide to Legal and Forensic Strategies
Guidelines for Interviewing Children During Child Custody Evaluations,
Martine B. Powell and Sandra Lancaster