Summary: Parental Alienation

Parental alienation occurs when a child rejects one parent without good cause, usually under the influence of the other parent.

Have your children turned against you? Are they reluctant to spend time with you? Have they teamed up with your ex to treat you with contempt? If so, they may be suffering from parental alienation.

In this article, I provide an overview and summary of parental alienation to help separated and divorced parents, grandparents, and others affected by this issue identify, prevent, and heal psychologically damaging fractured relationships.

You can read more about parental alienation by clicking the links at the end of this article.

Summary: Parental Alienation

This article covers the following topics.

A. What is parental alienation?
B. Behaviors of parental alienation: turning children into allies in a battle between parents
C. How to identify a child suffering from parental alienation

  • The child resists a relationship with the other parent
  • Loss of a previous positive relationship with the rejected parent
  • The absence of abuse, neglect, or grossly poor parenting
  • Behaviors of the alienating father and comrades
  • Demeaning attitudes and behaviors towards a parent

D. Prevention of parental alienation and early intervention
E. Ten common mistakes affected parents should avoid
F. How family courts can help with parental alienation
G. How to get more information about parental alienation

A. What is parental alienation?

A1. Definition of parental alienation

Parental alienation is a disturbance in which a child rejects one of his parents without good cause. Rejection can range from mild to severe. In mild alienation, a child may share one parent’s litany of complaints about the other parent, but become attached to that parent when they are together. In severe parental alienation, the child may reject contact, express pure hatred toward a parent she previously loved, and believe that the parent is worthless.

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