False allegations

It is estimated that false allegations of abuse account for 79% of cases during family court proceedings (Ross & Blush, 1990; Ferguson et al., 2018; Webb et al., 2021).

False allegations of abuse are acts of aggression with the aim of permanently severing the parent-child relationship. Parental alienating behaviours are acts of coercive control and a serious form of child abuse (Harman & Matthewson, 2020).

For more information you can access EMMMFoundation submission to the Family Law Amendment Bill 2023. visit: https://lnkd.in/g3ufK_nr


Ross, K. L., & Blush, G. J. (1990). Sexual abuse validity discriminators in the divorced or divorcing family. Institute for Psychological Therapies. Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, 2(1), 1-6.

Ferguson, C., Wright, S., Death, J., Burgess, K., & Malouff, J. (2018). Allegations of child sexual abuse in parenting disputes: An examination of judicial determinations in the family court of australia. Journal of Child Custody, 15(2), 93–115.

Webb, N., Moloney, L. J., Smyth, B. M., & Murphy, R. L. (2021). Allegations of child sexual abuse: An empirical analysis of published judgements from the Family Court of Australia 2012-2019. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 322–343.

Harman, J. J., & Matthewson, M. (2020). Parental alienating behaviors. In D. Lorandos and W. Bernet (Eds.), Parental Alienation – Science and Law,pp. 82-141. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.

#falseallegations #familylaw #psychology #research #family

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